Feb 2, 2012

This Prototype With Camera is Next iPod Nano?

Summary : Earlier today, few new photos surfaced online to suggest that Apple's next iPod nano might be freshly redesigned - with a built-in camera. Few hours later after the report surfaced, China-based M.I.C. Gadget verified the prototype with its Chinese factory source, however, there are problems with its camera.

  • PandaApp Editor
  • Current Device: HTC Chacha
  • Future Device: iPhone
  • Introduction:Tracing new technology like fashion!
Earlier today, few new photos surfaced online to suggest that Apple's next iPod nano might be freshly redesigned - with a built-in camera. Few hours later after the report surfaced, China-based M.I.C. Gadget verified the prototype with its Chinese factory source, however, there are problems with its camera.
M.I.C. Gadget:
According to our factory sources, Apple have problems with the lens aperture for the next-gen iPod nano, the iris is not functioning correctly to allow the advantages of the low aperture to be utilized. Every shot was overexposed. Apple intends to correct its mistake, but the problem still exists in this prototype that is manufactured two months ago. What's more, a 2-megapixel camera was tested, but it was unsatisfactory - the photos look washed-out and flat. The good news is… this 2-month-old prototype is close to final product, the UI is done.
Its thought that the new iPod Nano will be released with camera in the first or second quarter of 2012.
Take a look at the images below, what do you think about the design?
via iclarified


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