Feb 3, 2012

Boom!!! Windows Jailbreak for iPhone 4S & iPad 2 Released!

Summary : The Chronic Dev-Team has released the Windows version of its Absinthe utility to perform an untethered jailbreak of the iPhone 4S and iPad 2.

  • PandaApp Editor
  • Current Device: iPhone 3GS, Omnia 7, iPad 1
  • Future Device: iPhone 5
  • Introduction:Techni-Geek live a life in Technicolor!
The Chronic Dev-Team has released the Windows version of its Absinthe utility to perform an untethered jailbreak of the iPhone 4S and iPad 2.
You can download the utility from here.
Download Absinthe v0.4 for Windows
Download Absinthe v0.4 for Mac OS X
Download Absinthe v0.4 for Linux x86/x86_64
We'll be posting Windows tutorials on how to use Absinthe below...
● iPhone 4S How to Jailbreak iPhone 4S with Absinthe  (Windows)

● iPad 2 How to Jailbreak Your iPad 2 Running iOS 5.0.1 (Windows)

via iclarified

The Crazy Secrecy System in Apple

Summary : For those employees who were new to Apple, they haven't got enough trust, so they can contact with fake Apple projects. The Joy of Tech offers a flow chart to help Apple employees identify the signs that they may be working on a fake Apple project.

  • PandaApp Editor
  • Current Device: HTC Chacha
  • Future Device: iPhone
  • Introduction:Tracing new technology like fashion!
For those employees who were new to Apple, they haven't got enough trust, so they can contact with fake Apple projects.  The Joy of Tech offers a flow chart to help Apple employees identify the signs that they may be working on a fake Apple project.

"Earlier this week, it was leaked that we sometimes put new employees on fake projects until we can trust them.

Here's a flowchart to help you figure out the... Signs you may be working on a fake Apple project."

Take a look below...

You Will Never See Apps' Ads With White iPhone?

Summary : It would not be a total surprise that Apple is asking developers to stop use white iPhone mockup to promote third-party apps on the web. Yet, we know Apple has always been a company that stresses the details. Everything down to the tiniest pixel is highly scrutinized to perfection.

  • PandaApp Editor
  • Current Device: HTC Chacha
  • Future Device: iPhone
  • Introduction:Tracing new technology like fashion!
It would not be a total surprise that Apple is asking developers to stop use white iPhone mockup to promote third-party apps on the web. Yet, we know Apple has always been a company that stresses the details. Everything down to the tiniest pixel is highly scrutinized to perfection.
Cupertino doesn’t like the idea of developers using white iPhones to show off their work in marketing materials. It’s a black iPhone or the highway.
TechCrunch founder Mike Arrington reports for Pando Daily:
The private written communications I’ve seen from Apple, though, are quite clear on the restriction. In verbal communications they’ve said that they’re reserving use of the white iPhone for their own marketing materials.
Apple clearly outlines the type of iOS promotional materials third-party developers can use, and the mockup examples show black iPhones only. Does that mean white iPhones are off limits?
via cultofmac

Apple CEO Tim Cook donates $100 million to charitySummary : Apple CEO Tim Cook might just be taking some tips from Bill Gates--last week he announced he donated $100 million to charity, according to The Verge. Apple CEO Tim Cook might just be taking some tips from Bill Gates--last week he announced he donated $100 million to charity, according to The Verge. Cook made his announcement during an internal town hall meeting celebrating Apple's successful fourth quarter. According to The Verge, Cook said $50 million had been donated to Stanford's hospitals, with $25 million for a new main building and $25 million for a new children's hospital. Another $50 million has been donated to Product RED, which is a charity that combats diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. Since becoming Apple CEO, Cook has differed from his predecessor Steve Jobs on a few issues, including charitable giving. Jobs was not known for philanthropy and had even said he opposed giving away money. Cook, on the other hand, has started giving his employees big discounts on Apple products and has also instituted a company-wide charitable program that matches donations made by employees up to $10,000 a year. This comes days after fallout from an investigative article in The New York Times about hazardous working conditions in a Chinese factory that manufactures Apple iPads. Cook responded to the article saying, "We care about every worker in our worldwide supply chain. Any accident is deeply troubling, and any issue with working conditions is cause for concern. Any suggestion that we don't care is patently false and offensive to us."

Summary : Apple CEO Tim Cook might just be taking some tips from Bill Gates--last week he announced he donated $100 million to charity, according to The Verge.

Apple CEO Tim Cook might just be taking some tips from Bill Gates--last week he announced he donated $100 million to charity, according to The Verge.
Cook made his announcement during an internal town hall meeting celebrating Apple's successful fourth quarter.
According to The Verge, Cook said $50 million had been donated to Stanford's hospitals, with $25 million for a new main building and $25 million for a new children's hospital. Another $50 million has been donated to Product RED, which is a charity that combats diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.
Since becoming Apple CEO, Cook has differed from his predecessor Steve Jobs on a few issues, including charitable giving. Jobs
was not known for philanthropy and had even said he opposed giving away money.
Cook, on the other hand, has started giving his employees big discounts on Apple products and has also instituted a company-wide charitable program that matches donations made by employees up to $10,000 a year.
This comes days after fallout from an investigative article in The New York Times about hazardous working conditions in a Chinese factory that manufactures Apple iPads. Cook responded to the article saying, "We care about every worker in our worldwide supply chain. Any accident is deeply troubling, and any issue with working conditions is cause for concern. Any suggestion that we don't care is patently false and offensive to us."

Step By Step Tutorial to Setup A Spire Server Without iPhone 4S Keys With SiriServer

Summary : A few days ago we told you guys about a new project being developed with the help of @cale250 dubbed SiriServer that will actually replace the need for Siri to contact Apple’s server altogether. This is because instead of using Apple’s servers for the speech processing SiriServer uses Google Speech-To-Text API. While this is a great development because it takes away the need for iPhone 4S Authentication keys (you no longer need to have access to an iPhone 4S), it does mean that you are limited to commands that are shorter than 10 seconds. The developer notes that he may be able to overcome this, but at this time this 10 second command limitation is here to stay.

  • PandaApp Editor
  • Current Device: HTC Chacha
  • Future Device: iPhone
  • Introduction:Tracing new technology like fashion!
A few days ago we told you guys about a new project being developed with the help of @cale250 dubbed SiriServer that will actually replace the need for Siri to contact Apple’s server altogether. This is because instead of using Apple’s servers for the speech processing SiriServer uses Google Speech-To-Text API. While this is a great development because it takes away the need for iPhone 4S Authentication keys (you no longer need to have access to an iPhone 4S), it does mean that you are limited to commands that are shorter than 10 seconds. The developer notes that he may be able to overcome this, but at this time this 10 second command limitation is here to stay.
For those of you who were interested in setting up a server using SiriServer you will be glad to know that in this How To guide from iJailbreak.com you will learn how to setup SiriServer on a Linux computer or Linux virtual machine. This will allow you to use Siri on your older generation iOS Device thanks to the Spire Cydia tweak without the need of iPhone 4S authentication keys.
Note: Please keep in mind that SiriServer will work on Mac OS X, but in this tutorial we will be setting it up on Ubuntu (a form of Linux).
Setup SiriServer Ubuntu
Section A: Setting Up The Required Components
Step 1 Windows: For Windows users it should be fairly easy to get Ubuntu working on your computer (as there is numerous ways). Probably the easiest way to do this is to go to the Ubuntu download page by clicking here, and then simply following the instructions for dual-booting your computer with Ubuntu. You could of course also use a Virtual Machine (like virtualbox), or boot Ubuntu from a CD or USB drive.
Step 1 Mac OS X:  For Mac OS X users your options of running Ubuntu are slightly more limited. You can either use a Virtual Machine (like virtualbox) or of course you can boot Ubuntu from a CD or USB drive by clicking here.
Step 2: Once you have found a way to get access to an Ubuntu computer you will need to launch terminal and type in the following command:
sudo apt-get install libspeex1 libflac8
Tip: If you do not want to type all of the terminal commands shown in this tutorial you can copy the command and paste it into terminal by right clicking and then clicking the paste option.
Step 3: Make sure you keep Terminal open, as we will come back to it soon, but you will now need to open the Ubuntu Software Center. Once the Ubuntu Software Center is up and running you will need to search for the following:
When you see Python on the search results (it will be labeled interactive high-level object-orientated language (default version)) you will need to install it to your Ubuntu computer.
If you do not see an Install button, but rather a Remove button this means you already have Python install and can move on to step 4.
Step 4: Next you will need to install another package to your Ubuntu Computer, thus search for the following through the Ubuntu Software Center:
When you see M2Crypto appear on the search results you will need to click it and install it your computer Ubuntu computer.
Step 5: We will now be exiting the Ubuntu Software Center and going back over to terminal. With Terminal resumed you will need to enter the following command:
Step 6: Once the command above has been executed you will need to enter the command shown below:
sudo easy_install biplist
Step 7: It is now time to download the SiriServer files. Go to the official SiriServer GitHub page and download the files as .zip file by clicking here.
Step 8: Extract the the file you just downloaded and rename the folder to:
Step 9: Now go back to terminal and type in the following command to go into the Downloads directory:
cd ~/Downloads
Step 10: Next type in the command shown below to move the SiriServer files into your Ubuntu root directory:
sudo mv siriserver /
Note: It is recommend that you double check to see if your siriserver folder was indeed moved to the the Ubuntu root directory. To double check this open up a folder, go into the File System tab and you should see siriserver sitting there.
Section B: Generating Your Certificate
Step 11: The SiriServer files have now been placed in the correct directory. We have now setup all of the required components for SiriServer to work. Congratulations for getting this far! We will now start generating the certificate for your iOS Device to properly connect to the server you are creating. To do this the first thing you need to do is go into the proper directory:
cd /siriserver/gen_certs
Step 12: From here you will need to enter the command shown below. Keep in mind, however, that you will replace XXXXX with most likely an IP Address or in some cases a domain name (for more information click here).
./gen_certs.sh XXXXX
Example: ./gen_certs.sh
OR ./gen_certs.sh domain.com
Step 13: After you have entered the command shown above you will find a certificate file named ca.pem in the siriserver directory (the siriserver folder that you moved to the Ubuntu root directory). When you see the ca.pem file in the siriserver directory you will need to copy it to your desktop and email it to yourself.
Section C: Installing The Certificate
Step 14: Now you will need to grab your iOS Device, fire up your email client and click the ca.pem file you attached to your email.

Step 15: When you click the attachment you will need to click the Install button, read the warning screen, click the other Install button, and finally click the Done button.
Step 16: With the certificate now installed, you will need to go back into the Settings.app, into the Spire tab and you will need to enter the address of your server. This will be whatever you replaced XXXXX with in step 12.
OR https://domain.com

Note: Keep in mind that you are using https not http.
Section D: Activating The Server
Step 17: Everything has now been configured, and the final step is to begin the server. To do this navigate to the siriserver directory by entering the following command:
cd /siriserver
Step 18: Finally you will need to enter that command that will turn the server on:
sudo python siriServer.py
Your server should now be up and running and you can try using Siri on your iOS Device. We hope you have enjoyed this How To guide from iJailbreak.com on setting up SiriServer to use Siri on your older generation iOS Device with the Spire Cydia tweak. If you are having troubles we suggest visiting the official documentation page by clicking here.
via ijailbreak

T-Mobile to Offer Additional Support to Unlocked iPhone Users

Summary : TMO News reports that T-Mobile USA will start offering its users who are using unlocked iPhones on their network additional support.

  • PandaApp Editor
  • Current Device: iPhone 3GS, Omnia 7, iPad 1
  • Future Device: iPhone 5
  • Introduction:Techni-Geek live a life in Technicolor!
TMO News reports that T-Mobile USA will start offering its users who are using unlocked iPhones on their network additional support.

Though T-Mobile USA is the only US Carrier among the top 4 carrier not to offer Apple's iPhone, it had revealed last year that more than a million unlocked iPhones are used on their network.
Back in July 2011, T-Mobile USA started offering micro-SIM cards, which is required for iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S.
T-Mobile will begin offering the additional support from tomorrow, January 30th. According to the leaked document, the support will include common procedures, information about features and specifications, and other basic device questions.

The leaked document also lists down the following benefits for its 1 million plus users with unlocked iPhones:
*The customer benefits by making only one call.
*The employee benefits by having access to information needed to resolve these calls.
*The business benefits by lower call times and improved resolution.
Though 3G works for few lucky iPhone users on T-Mobile's network, earlier this month, T-Mobile USA's CEO Philipp Humm revealed that it had not managed to get iPhone due to its unique band technology. While most GSM operators use the 850, 900, 1900 or 2100 MHz frequencies, T-Mobile uses the 1700/2100 MHz AWS band for its 3G. Unfortunately that means that mobile phone manufacturers need to use a chipset that works with the AWS band.
T-Mobile Chief Technology Officer Neville Ray has revealed that Apple's next generation iPhone will support the AWS bands. It remains to be seen if Apple will finally offer the iPhone on T-Mobile USA's network this year.
But by offering additional support, T-Mobile seems to be at least gearing up for it

Summary : This design rings home a bell because right this minute, the inside flap of my iPhone case has a sticky-note to-do list stuck to it! If it was not enough to expect zillions of functions from our smartphones, apparently now their protective covers need to come handy too! This clever silicone rubber case has five slits that are good enough to tuck in bills, pen, stylus or credit cards. Elasty is an awesome thought and has even won the Korean Belkin Design Awards! lazy_applelover PandaApp Editor Current Device: iPhone 3GS, Omnia 7, iPad 1 Future Device: iPhone 5 Introduction:Techni-Geek live a life in Technicolor! This design rings home a bell because right this minute, the inside flap of my iPhone case has a sticky-note to-do list stuck to it! If it was not enough to expect zillions of functions from our smartphones, apparently now their protective covers need to come handy too! This clever silicone rubber case has five slits that are good enough to tuck in bills, pen, stylus or credit cards. Elasty is an awesome thought and has even won the Korean Belkin Design Awards! Designer: Yoori KooSimple iPhone Case brings New Function to You

Summary : This design rings home a bell because right this minute, the inside flap of my iPhone case has a sticky-note to-do list stuck to it! If it was not enough to expect zillions of functions from our smartphones, apparently now their protective covers need to come handy too! This clever silicone rubber case has five slits that are good enough to tuck in bills, pen, stylus or credit cards. Elasty is an awesome thought and has even won the Korean Belkin Design Awards!

  • PandaApp Editor
  • Current Device: iPhone 3GS, Omnia 7, iPad 1
  • Future Device: iPhone 5
  • Introduction:Techni-Geek live a life in Technicolor!
This design rings home a bell because right this minute, the inside flap of my iPhone case has a sticky-note to-do list stuck to it! If it was not enough to expect zillions of functions from our smartphones, apparently now their protective covers need to come handy too! This clever silicone rubber case has five slits that are good enough to tuck in bills, pen, stylus or credit cards. Elasty is an awesome thought and has even won the Korean Belkin Design Awards!
Designer: Yoori Koo

Feb 2, 2012

Jailbreak Tutorials

iOS 4.2.1 build 8C154
iOS 4.2.1 build 8C150
iOS 4.1

iOS 5.0.1 Jailbreak
iOS 5.0 Jailbreak(Tethered)
iOS 4.3.5 Jailbreak(Tethered)
iOS 4.3.4 Jailbreak(Tethered)
iOS 4.3.3 Jailbreak
JailbreakMe 3.0
iOS 4.3.2 Jailbreak
iOS 4.3.1 Jailbreak
iOS 4.3.0 Jailbreak
iOS 4.2.1 Jailbreak (Windows)
Jailbreak (MAC)
iOS 3.2.2 Jailbreak
iOS 3.2.1 Jailbreak

Jailbreak Tools Download

Limera1n For iOS 4.0 4.0.1 4.0.2 Download Limera1n for Windows
Greenpois0n For iOS 4.2.1 Download Greenpois0n for Windows

Redsn0w 0.9.6b2 For iOS 4.0 4.0.1 4.0.2 Download Redsn0w 0.9.6b2 for Windows

UltraSn0w For iOS 4.0 4.0.1 4.0.2 Download UltraSn0w for Windows

Tiny Umbrella For iOS 4.0 4.0.1 4.0.2 Download Tiny Umbrella for Windows

Blackra1n For iOS 3.12 Download Blackra1n for Windows

PwnageTool For iOS 4.2.1 Download PwnageTool for Mac

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