Summary : One part of iOS that seems boring is the screenshot animation. I think that most of us can agree that seeing a white flash that goes off in our face is neither appealing or impressive. If you want to try something new, then check out a new jailbreak tweak dubbed Iris Shot by iOS developer Nikos Lykousas that will replace your screenshot flash animation with the Camera iris animation that you see every time that you take a photograph from the Camera application.
One part of iOS that seems boring is the screenshot animation. I think that most of us can agree that seeing a white flash that goes off in our face is neither appealing or impressive. If you want to try something new, then check out a new jailbreak tweak dubbed Iris Shot by iOS developer Nikos Lykousas that will replace your screenshot flash animation with the Camera iris animation that you see every time that you take a photograph from the Camera application. Above is a video demonstration of the Iris Shot animation when you take a screenshot (by pressing both home and power at the same time).
Iris Shot doesn't leave you bare-bones dry. It comes with settings that let you customize it just a bit. The settings are very limited, however it's enough to make a jailbreak tinkerer want to play around with it. The settings for Iris Shot include being able to enable or disable the tweak on demand without having to uninstall and reinstall the tweak when you want to use it, and also the feature to control how fast or how slow the camera iris shuts on your screen. You can adjust the animation speed with a slider so that it best meets your personality. You might just cause your friend to go, "Huh? What was that?" You can see the settings in the image below:
Iris Shot is free in Cydia and no icons are added to the home screen. The only complaint about it that I have is the fact that the Settings cell in the Settings application doesn't have a nice little icon to go with it. It's text only. It is free in Cydia as of today. It does require iOS 4 or iOS 5 to use and it is a fully open source jailbreak tweak - the code can be viewed here. If you're a jailbreak modding zealot who wants to get more out of the animation features of your iDevice, then check this tweak out and let us know what you think about it in the comments!
via modmyi
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